Tintin Wiki
Tintin Wiki

The Carreidas 160 is the private jet of Laszlo Carreidas, the "millionaire who never laughs." It was later hijacked in Flight 714 by rebellious crew members working for Roberto Rastapopoulos while flying a route to Australia. The only crewmates who didn't help the hijackers were the pilot Piotr Skut and the steward Gino.

It was painted red and white outside, while the interior had green seats. A security camera was hidden over a certain seat and could be viewed from a small television at Carreidas's seat (Carreidas used this camera installment to cheat in a game of Battleships against Captain Haddock).  The back of the plane contained a kitchenette and a bar.

The plane was later dumped into the ocean by Rastapopoulos's men after they landed it at a secret base; it was never seen nor heard from again.

