For the character that he might've been, see Roberto Rastapopoulos
Endaddine Akass is a character who appears in the unfinished Tintin and Alph-Art. He is the main antagonist and a spiritual leader.
Endaddine Akass is a spiritual leader. In the beginning of Tintin and Alph Art, Bianca Castafiore talks about going on a date with Endaddine Akass the day after she comes to the airport from Los Angeles. At his ceremony, characters like Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine from The Secret of the Unicorn and Madame Yamilah from The Seven Crystal Balls attend. Later, Tintin, Snowy and Haddock visit his villa in Ischia near Naples where they meet other antagonists such as Mr. Gibbons and Mr. Trickler. His evil plans replicating famous pictures from originals drew by Ramo Nash are revealed to destroy Tintin. In the Yves Rodier version, Endaddine is revealed to be Rastapopoulos in disguise.
The name Endaddine Akass is a pun of the Brusselian dialect expression "En dat in a kas!" which means "And that in your face[1]/chest[2]!" which is used when reprimanding someone.