Tintin Wiki

Themistocles Paparanic was a French captain who appeared in the live action film Tintin and the Mystery of the Golden Fleece in The Adventures of Tintin series. He was first heard when his friend Captain Archibald Haddock heard that he died in Istanbul at the age of 67 from alcoholic poisoning. Since then, Haddock inherits the Golden Fleece where Anton Karabine decided to offer Haddock 30 million francs.

Even so, Paparanic saved the country of Tetaragua, along with Midas Papos, Scoubidouvitch, and Alexandre Timochenko, including Karabine, and hid his gold in the Tassika Island that is part of Greece.

At the end of the film, he was remembered and the capital was later renamed Paparanic Square.
